Surviving Midterms with John Peters New York

For some of us, this is a great time of year, full of the first warm days of the year. But for some of us, such as students, it is most definitely not. That’s right, folks, it’s midterms season and there is honestly nothing very cool about midterms. It’s a time to hunker down and focus, cut down on the social engagements and hide in the library.

When I was at college, this was the time when I’d stuff my backpack full to bursting and disappear for hours at a time, trying to find the quiet places on campus to study. These are the kind of times when having a John Peters New York backpack really pays off. 

Why do I say that? Well, the thing is, John Peters New York backpacks are a lot of things, but it midterm season, only one thing really matters: they’re strong, durable backpacks. 

That’s because John Peters New York student backpacks use only the top quality Cordura Plus Nylon and closures. Not all zippers are made equal, and John Peters New York sources only the best. JPNY backpacks are built to handle whatever you throw at them, to  ensure that you can handle whatever’s thrown at you — midterms included!

You’ll get through midterms with flying colors, and so will your John Peters New York student backpack. To find out more about JPNY and order your backpack today, visit!

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