It’s true that backpacks aren’t everyone’s style, but outside of briefcases and laptop cases, there isn’t a lot of choice for men. Men messenger bags are usually leather or something similar, and very formal. For the young professional or the student, there isn’t much to choose from, especially for those with style — come on, guys, no need to be shy, everyone knows girls love a guy with style!
One of the best things about John Peters New York backpacks and bags are their versatility, by which I mean, they work for pretty much everyone. From high school students to professionals, the simplicity and class of the design really excludes no one.
Messenger bags, worn slung across the body or off the shoulder, are the perfect bag to keep the “coolness” factor but still be able to actually carry the things you need with you. Unfortunately going to class might be more important than the perfect ensemble, but sling on a messenger bag and you can have both.
The men messenger bags at John Peters are stylish enough to go with your whole look without being too flashy or “high-fashion” – you know what I’m talking about, the fancy brands with men messenger bags that look more like purses! Messenger bags at John Peters are masculine without being stereotypical (think leather briefcase).
John Peters has a full line of messenger bags, in a variety of sizes and colors to fit exactly what you’re looking for. Made of cordura plus nylon, they are lightweight and won’t weigh you down like a leather bag or canvas bag might, and it has the advantage of being water resistant – let’s face it, a canvas bag might seem cool until your things are ruined from the rain.
The inside is spacious, so you can carry everything you need for the day. You won’t even need to worry about being the gentlemen and offering to carry your girlfriend’s books for her – they’ll fit, and slung across the body, it’s still comfortable to wear, and, most importantly, you still look good.
Still skeptical?
Let me summarize: a bag that is not a backpack and fashionable enough to go with your own unique style, that is functional, spacious, and extraordinarily usable, a bag you can take with you to class, to work, on the bike, or anywhere, a bag that is neither “too fashionable” or “too formal,” that says neither “stuffy professional” or “young kid,” but the perfect mix.
Any questions now? Check out our line of men messenger bags at to browse for yours!