Skateboarding Is my life feat ULTIMEIK 7900 backpack

ULTIMEIK, ULTIMEIK7900, ULTIMEIKbackpack, Skateboarderbag, Longboardbackpack
ULTIMEIK backpack for skate boarder (long board)

I’ve never seen this kind of fashion brand.
When I meet Supreme brand first time It was 10’s, and Supreme was wanna be brand.
and now ULTIMEIK bag is moving my mind when I see the guys skating down the street!
Skateboarder’ bag? or Daily bag? it is more famous for daily fashion bag but also famous for long boarder too.

ULTIMEIK, ULTIMEIKbag, Longboarderbag, skateboardbackpack
ULTIMEIK Backpack for Long borader

This bag is not only for a skate boarder’s gear but loved for daily bag
It is really well made with extreme spec – Dupont Invista Cordura 1,000 DENIA and specially coated fabric.
This give a powerful durability and style.

backpack brand, brand backpack
New York Fashion backapck

I would like add some story not related with this topic.
When he emerges from the bathroom shoe is awake, propped up against the pillows and flicking through the travel brochures that we beside his bed.
She is wearing one of his T-shirts, and her long hair is tousled in a way that prompts reflexive thoughts of the previous night,
He stands there, enjoying the brief flashback, rubbing the water from his hair with a towel.

She looks up from a brochure and pouts. she is probably slightly too old to pout, but they’ve been going out a short enough time for it still to be cute.

Do we really have to do something that involves trekking up mountains, or hanging over ravines?
It’s our first proper holiday together, and there is literally not one single trip in these that doesn’t involve either throwing yourself off something or- she pretends to shudder.