Fashionable vintage-style waxed canvas purses from top waxwear brand, Builford.
Although waxed canvas is primarily associated with outdoor gear and heavy backpacks, these crossbody bags are a new take. Builford’s main interest is in using vintage ideas and designs, but remaking them with a modern twist.
Each bag has the perfect balance of waxed canvas and leather, but no two bags are similar. Beyond the rucksacks and backpacks that made the brand famous, there are several more models of smaller bags. On the one hand, you have simple professional portfolios and more conservative messenger bags. But there are more fashionable totes, more vintage haversacks, and even a camera bag!

The Various Shades of Builford Waxed Canvas Purses
What’s your Builford bag? With several unique designs in the collection, it might be hard to find yours.
Choose first: Do you want big or small? More traditional, or more modern? Is it professional, or for shopping, or just a solid everyday bag?
From there, you can find whatever kind of bag you decided you want. Builford waxed canvas purses are good for both men and women. Additionally, you can wear them in both formal and informal settings.
Waxed canvas can seem to be very informal, because it’s a tough, heavy-duty fabric. But it has its own sophistication, so it can work in formal environments as well. While all of the designs can work in an office, a few are particularly good for professional settings.
Take some time to explore the Builford catalog, especially the tote and cross section. There are waxed canvas purses of all sizes and shapes and designs! Head to to decide on your newest bag obsession today.